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My Policy

Lateness & Cancellation Policy:

No shows and cancellations within 24hrs will result in being charged 100% of the booking- this will need to be paid before further appointments can be booked. If you are a repeat no show offender a 50% deposit will be taken for each appointment. If you are 15 minutes late to the appointment, sadly we will not be able to groom your dog due to the backlog of other appointments. You will also be charged for the fee of the groom.


De-Matting Policy:

Matts are a serious problem and if left unattended may be harmful. When matts are too close to the skin it may cut off the blood circulation underneath that affected area.  Paige’s Pooches will remove matts causing serious discomfort. If matts are all over the body and are too close to the skin permission will be asked to shave the coat to let the skin breathe and relieve any pain from your dog. Matting fees will occur depending on the condition it is in.


Flea Policy:

Please note that dogs with fleas cannot be accepted. If we find fleas on your dog during the groom there will be an additional charge of £10, this is to cover the costs for fumigating and deep cleaning the salon. If you suspect your dog has fleas please call to reschedule. 


Bitches in Season & Pregnant Dogs:

We are unable to accept dogs that are pregnant, however we do accept dogs in season as we work on a 1-2-1 basis meaning no male dogs will be present in the salon.


Aggressive / Dangerous & Noisy Dogs:

Behavioural issues must be disclosed prior to grooming. Paige’s Pooches unfortunately does not take aggressive dogs due to working alone and is not safe to do so. The same applies to noisy dogs, living in a residential area means we have to keep noise to a minimum. 


Vaccination & Health Policy:  

Your dog is vaccinated and up to date with all flea treatments.  Unvaccinated dogs put itself and others at risk.

Grooming of sick and elderly dogs is entirely at owner’s risk. Grooming may expose underlying skin or health problems which we cannot be held liable for.


Photo Policy:

You agree to allow Paige’s Pooches to post photos and videos of your pooches on social media. (If you do not feel comfortable please let us know)



We care highly about the welfare and safety of your dog however, please be aware that working with animals and sharp tools means unfortunately accidents occasionally happen. When de-matting a dog this risk is increased and clipper burns or cuts could occur. Sometimes with matts being so close to the skin this is unavoidable. Dog’s that move or wriggle around can also increase the chances of nicks and scratches happening.  Whilst we take every safety measure extremely seriously we cannot accept liability in the case of injury. 






*Paige’s Pooches cannot be held responsible for reactions to products used; shampoos, conditioners and colognes.  Any skin problems known should be disclosed to the groomer.


*Payment is due upon collection of your dog. Estimates are based on the breed and size of your dog 


*We will not perform any grooming procedure that causes pain or stress. In some cases nail trimming may be too stressful for your pet so we may need to refer you to a vet for sedation.


*Please toilet your dog before to avoid creating mess in the salon.


*Paige’s pooches reserves the right to terminate a groom should the dog be too stressed to continue or the dog poses a risk to itself or me. 


*We do not offer any anal gland emptying as this procedure is done much safely by veterinary surgeons



By having your dog groomed by Paige’s Pooches you agree and confirm that all facts below are true. 

You agree to pay any charges due for appointments cancelled without adequate notice.

You accept and consent entirely to all the terms and conditions listed.

You confirm that your pet is fit, healthy and fully vaccinated.

You agree the groomer will not be held liable or responsible for irritation, abrasion, patchiness or hair loss due to any pre existing skin condition or as a result of the process of grooming, dematting, thinning, stripping or shaving.

If your pet bites or attempts to bite, a muzzle may be used. 

You understand by leaving your dog in our care means leaving the dog entirely at their own risk and discretion and that Paige’s Pooches will not be liable .

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